Apply for Membership


  • Significant savings on registration to our annual Symposium on the Cannabinoids
  • Eligibility for ICRS Travel awards. Awardees must be Student or Postdoctoral Members and be sponsored by a Regular Member-in-Good-Standing
  • Grants access to our Members Area, including a discussion forum, past programmes and abstracts, ICRS News and other historical documents
  • Eligibility for ICRS awards – including our William A. Devane Early Career Award, Mid-Career Award, Mechoulam Awards, and for ICRS trainee presentation prizes for research excellence that are bestowed at our annual symposia. 
  • Eligibility to nominate fellow ICRS members for ICRS awards.
  • High quality networking throughout the international cannabinoid research field – there are many opportunities to interact with both academic researchers and pharmaceutical industry representatives during our annual meetings and via our Mentoring Network.




Members are typically individuals possessing a Ph.D. or M.D. degree (or equivalent)with a record of commitment to cannabinoid-related research.




An ICRS Member of 10+ years who has retired. $0

Postdoctoral Member

Postdoctoral Members are individuals who have earned a Doctoral degree and are presently in a position of postdoctoral employment. $80

Predoctoral Member

Predoctoral Members are trainees who have earned, minimally, a Bachelors or Masters degree. $65

Associate Member

Associate Members are individuals who have a Bachelors or a Masters degree (or higher) and are engaged in cannabinoid or endocannabinoid system research. $200


Affiliates are individuals or entities who do not wish to be members in the Society, or do not meet the Society’s criteria for membership, but wish to support the Society. $250
Apply for Membership